Summer Knittin'...had me a blast!
I was very excited to finish the Chrysanthemum socks only to jump right into a summer garment. The socks turned out fantastically and I can't wait to wear them–who wouldn't want a little bit of cashmere to keep their feet warm? I'm a huge fan of Anzula's yarns (especially Squishy and Cricket) and I would knit with them in a heartbeat. Last November, I knit in Anzula's Cricket and made Outlined by Suvi Simola. I can't brag enough about the pattern and I am pretty sure I've worn it at least once a week for the past five months. It's one of the most comfortable sweaters I have ever knitted.
The next project I'm working on uses lace weight yarn.
Sombra by Elanor King was featured in the Summer 2014 issue of Pom Pom magazine. It's a beautiful cotton lace weight top with a geometric ombre pattern. The yarn called for is a discontinued yarn by Habu Textiles called Non-Twist Cotton Boucle. I'd fallen in love with top as soon as the magazine fell into my hands. The only deterrent was how thin the yarn was. Luckily, thin yarn and big needles help! So far, this has been easy to knit up. The pattern calls for the "at the same time do XandYandZ and please don't forget to count your stitches and pat your head and belly" construction. Mkthanks! Nothing a little spreadsheet can't take care of! I've learned that reading through patterns and writing out what needs to be done on each row makes knitting easier, and as you continue down the yellow brick road, you just check off each row.
Barb said:
Love, love, LOVE the summer knit!