Building in Lace–Section 1
By this time you should have cast on and completed 8 rows of garter stitch. Now, you'll complete the two set up rows for Section 1. The instructions are on page 12. You will need to increase three stitches using KFBs; a tutorial is located here.
I recommend inserting a lifeline after completing the set up rows, and using markers to separate the lace repeats. I would also insert a lifeline after completing row 6 and/or row 14 once you have confirmed there are no mistakes. Make sure you have a tapestry needle and more scrap yarn handy.
We're going to use yarn overs, k2togs, ssks, and CDDs in this section. If you're unfamiliar with any of these stitches, I've linked to videos demonstrating each one.
If you forgot to make a yarn over, don't worry! You can simply make an afterthought yarn over, and here's a video showing you how to pick up dropped yarn overs.
I recommend inserting a lifeline after completing the set up rows, and using markers to separate the lace repeats. I would also insert a lifeline after completing row 6 and/or row 14 once you have confirmed there are no mistakes. Make sure you have a tapestry needle and more scrap yarn handy.
We're going to use yarn overs, k2togs, ssks, and CDDs in this section. If you're unfamiliar with any of these stitches, I've linked to videos demonstrating each one.
If you forgot to make a yarn over, don't worry! You can simply make an afterthought yarn over, and here's a video showing you how to pick up dropped yarn overs.